Sunday, March 31, 2013

What causes attitudes and what do we do with them?

You have probably come across a person with “bad attitude” before. That one person, who gets under your skin, has a terrible attitude and brings one down. When you hear the word “attitude” you probably automatically connect it with something negative. Why? Because most situations we have experienced has been in a negative context.

Let’s face it, attitudes does not come by itself. There can be several reasons for it. The causes could be by someone or something. It’s hard not to take it personally if they direct it to you, but we need to remember that it is most likely coming from somewhere else, and they need to come out with their frustrations which happen to be taken out on us. The person with the “bad attitude” changes the whole atmosphere around, them and it doesn't only affect the person itself but also the people they associate with.

Many times a people who has an attitude is unaware of how they are affecting others. Self awareness is a vital social skill that many people don’t have. You can’t just change others attitudes, they have to see for themselves and want to change.

A good way to prevent getting affected with bad attitude, is by staying positive and don’t let them get you down or get to you. You wonder how much positive attitude can do. Positive attitude can be a very powerful key, and the way to achieve what we desire. But we have to work for it! A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes.

Sometimes being positive isn’t enough when you around negative and rude people. When you with negative people it seems as their energy rubs off on you. Continue to act and do positive things. If you do, you will reap the good benefits of it.  

Another thing is to stay away from people who are really negative but it isn’t always possible.  You don’t have to act upon that person’s negativity. You have a choice to be either positive or negative. The easiest way is not to be around negative people unless you absolute have to.  
Posted by Unknown On 31.3.13 2 comments READ FULL POST

Monday, March 25, 2013

What can we do to prevent chaotic mornings? Well here some solutions.

1.       Get proper sleep

This may be the biggest boost to both your morning and throughout the day. It is important to adjust the sleep habits. Everyone’s individual sleep needs vary. Some experience daytime sleepiness severe enough to interfere with their daily activities.

Many of us are trying to sleep as little as possible or feel that we should have. There are so many things that prevent us from getting a good night's sleep. The simplest is that we think there are other things that are more interesting or important than getting a few hours’ sleep, but just as exercise and nutrition are essential for optimal health and happiness, so is sleep. The quality of your sleep directly affects the quality of your waking life, including your mental sharpness, productivity, emotional balance, creativity, physical vitality, and even your weight. No other activity offers so many benefits with so little effort!

You basically need to go to sleep early enough that when you wake up the next day you feel rested, if you are in doubt, go with eight hours which is about average, or do this experiment to find your perfect bedtime. You can start your day with alerting instead of Snoozy, which can make your mornings feel less chaotic. This alone makes you feel that you have more time (or in the least more energy) available.

2.       Systematize your mornings

It can be small things that can affect your mornings. These small things can make a big difference. Here are some things all of us can do to make the morning less stressful: Start the morning the night before. By shifting all the mindless but essential tasks such as picking out clothes, pack you bag, making breakfast to other times, and even make lunch ahead of time. Simply of those basic things you would have plenty of time available in the mornings.

3.        Create a routine

Divide your habits in morning and evening routine that will ensure you have achieved all the things you had planned for the day. Another thing you also could do is to create a checklist that says what you want / expect to achieve. A checklist is a good way to start a routine of. You can adjust checklist after how you handle things.
Remember to start out with simple 1-10 things you want to achieve. Get more advanced after becoming accustomed to that system. Mix things up, add things, or take away things to change a routine. Clean up at least once a week. 

All those things would make the mornings much easier. 

Posted by Unknown On 25.3.13 2 comments READ FULL POST

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Well First Of What Is Succes?

Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal working towards a predetermined goal. Success is about getting all that you wanted to have. In other word the avhivement of something you desire. It's finding that you have achieved your goals or fulfilled your plans and it's waking up in the morning feeling victorious rather than feeling defeated.
The feelings success brings will makes you walk proudly in the streets with your head up high while being happy and satisfied. The harder you work to implement a goal, the sweeter the success when its realized.

How To Be Successful

First we need to define what success is for us. It varies from person to person, how to become successful. It is a lifelong meditation that start for us to seek-and find answers to the question: ” What is it that makes me happy, lively, enthusiastic, and even proud of the life you live?” By asking the right questions, you will find the right answer easier. Success is a journey, not a destination.

Don't Let Fear Stop You

Before success in many cases you will meet temporary defeat and, perhaps some failures. When defeat overtakes, the easiest and the most logical thing to do is to quit. Whenever we do something new, there is fear. Whenever we push ourselves to new heights or expand our comfort zone, there is fear. Don’t fear failure-failure is inevitable and necessary. This failure is the foundation of success, so long as we learn from it. You are capable of more than you know. Choose a goal that seems right for you and strive to the best, however hard the path is.

Posted by Unknown On 24.3.13 No comments READ FULL POST
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